User Mode Linux: Параметры ядра
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Версия от 01:26, 26 октября 2008; Rain (обсуждение | вклад)
- --showconfig
Показывает конфиг-файл, по которому было создано данное ядро
- iomem=<name>,<file>
Configure <file> as an IO memory region named <name>.
- mem=<Размер оперативной памяти>
Показывает, сколько физической оперативной памяти будет выделено виртуальной машине, может указываться через 'k', 'K', 'm', 'M'. Пример: mem=64M
- --help
- Вывести эту справку
- debug
this flag is not needed to run gdb on UML in skas mode
- root=<file containing the root fs>
This is actually used by the generic kernel in exactly the same way as in any other kernel. If you configure a number of block devices and want to boot off something other than ubd0, you would use something like: root=/dev/ubd5
- --version
Написать версию ядра
- umid=<name>
This is used to assign a unique identity to this UML machine and is used for naming the pid file and management console socket.
- con[0-9]*=<channel description>
Attach a console or serial line to a host channel. See for a complete description of this switch.
- ssl[0-9]*=<channel description>
Attach a console or serial line to a host channel. See for a complete description of this switch.
- eth[0-9]+=<transport>,<options>
Configure a network device.
- mconsole=notify
- <socket>:
Requests that the mconsole driver send a message to the named Unix socket containing the name of the mconsole socket. This also serves to notify outside processes when UML has booted far enough to respond to mconsole requests.
- udb
This option is here solely to catch ubd -> udb typos, which can be to impossible to catch visually unless you specifically look for them. The only result of any option starting with 'udb' is an error in the boot output.
- ubd<n><flags>=<filename>[(
- |,)<filename2>]:
This is used to associate a device with a file in the underlying filesystem. When specifying two filenames, the first one is the COW name and the second is the backing file name. As separator you can use either a ':' or a ',': the first one allows writing things like; ubd0=~/Uml/root_cow:~/Uml/root_backing_file while with a ',' the shell would not expand the 2nd '~'. When using only one filename, UML will detect whether to treat it like a COW file or a backing file. To override this detection, add the 'd' flag: ubd0d=BackingFile Usually, there is a filesystem in the file, but that's not required. Swap devices containing swap files can be specified like this. Also, a file which doesn't contain a filesystem can have its contents read in the virtual machine by running 'dd' on the device. <n> must be in the range 0 to 7. Appending an 'r' to the number will cause that device to be mounted read-only. For example ubd1r=./ext_fs. Appending an 's' will cause data to be written to disk on the host immediately. 'c' will cause the device to be treated as being shared between multiple UMLs and file locking will be turned off - this is appropriate for a cluster filesystem and inappropriate at almost all other times.
- fake_ide
Create ide0 entries that map onto ubd devices.
- xterm=<terminal emulator>,<title switch>,<exec switch>
Specifies an alternate terminal emulator to use for the debugger, consoles, and serial lines when they are attached to the xterm channel. The values are the terminal emulator binary, the switch it uses to set its title, and the switch it uses to execute a subprocess, respectively. The title switch must have the form '<switch> title', not '<switch>=title'. Similarly, the exec switch must have the form '<switch> command arg1 arg2 ...'. The default values are 'xterm=xterm,-T,-e'. Values for gnome-terminal are 'xterm=gnome-terminal,-t,-x'.
- aio=2.4
This is used to force UML to use 2.4-style AIO even when 2.6 AIO is available. 2.4 AIO is a single thread that handles one request at a time, synchronously. 2.6 AIO is a thread which uses the 2.6 AIO interface to handle an arbitrary number of pending requests. 2.6 AIO is not available in tt mode, on 2.4 hosts, or when UML is built with /usr/include/linux/aio_abi.h not available. Many distributions don't include aio_abi.h, so you will need to copy it from a kernel tree to your /usr/include/linux in order to build an AIO-capable UML
- noptraceldt
Turns off usage of PTRACE_LDT, even if host supports it. To support PTRACE_LDT, the host needs to be patched using the current skas3 patch.
- noptracefaultinfo
Turns off usage of PTRACE_FAULTINFO, even if host supports it. To support PTRACE_FAULTINFO, the host needs to be patched using the current skas3 patch.
- noprocmm
Turns off usage of /proc/mm, even if host supports it. To support /proc/mm, the host needs to be patched using the current skas3 patch.
- nosysemu
Turns off syscall emulation patch for ptrace (SYSEMU) on. SYSEMU is a performance-patch introduced by Laurent Vivier. It changes behaviour of ptrace() and helps reducing host context switch rate. To make it working, you need a kernel patch for your host, too. See for further information.
- mode=skas0
Disables SKAS3 and SKAS4 usage, so that SKAS0 is used.
- skas0
Disables SKAS3 and SKAS4 usage, so that SKAS0 is used
- uml_dir=<directory>
The location to place the pid and umid files.
- hostfs=<root dir>,<flags>,...
This is used to set hostfs parameters. The root directory argument is used to confine all hostfs mounts to within the specified directory tree on the host. If this isn't specified, then a user inside UML can mount anything on the host that's accessible to the user that's running it. The only flag currently supported is 'append', which specifies that all files opened by hostfs will be opened in append mode.